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Wine Tourism Marketplace
Defining Experience Journeys for Divinea

SCENARIO - Today wineries are increasing their revenues by selling more products, buying lands or grapes; and increase their margins on wine sold with higher product price (ex. export), optimizing production cost, etc. However, promoting and selling services related to the wine ecosystem is a huge unexploited opportunity. There’s an increasing demand and interest in wine. Millennials (1/3 of the market) engage with wine as an experience. Nonetheless wineries still have an extremely low digital penetration, very low quality websites and contents with difficulties to digitalize the business and a lack of data analysis and actions during online and offline activities.

PROJECT- Divinea is a marketplace for wine tourism, making wineries and wine experiences more accessible to everyone. The digital platform directly connects producers and wine lovers with the opportunity for the producer to promote and sell traditional and innovative wine experiences.

I have collaborated with Divinea S.r.l. as Service Design Consultant for the stages of defining experiences, mapping and validating journeys.

-Milan, Italy-

DIVINEA S.r.l. / 2019
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